Thank you: Cadets, Staff, and Parents!
Today the 2483 PPCLI RCACC descended on Esquimalt and raked in more than $1,700. With so many canvassers, drivers and sorters, together, we surpassed our goal. Parents and Staff, thank you for turning out and supporting our young people. 2483 is truly the best corps! See photos on Facebook.
One of the aims of the cadet program is to develop physical fitness. This Tuesday, our corps will be taking a trip to Mt Washington for some skiing and snowboarding. Enjoy the day! This is possible because our co-operative fundraising efforts.
Parents: Our next Sponsoring Committee meeting is on January 26 (6:20pm). Please join us to learn more about how to make the cadet program the best it can be. Agenda coming in week or so. Also, make sure to reserve Feb 13th to support our biggest single day of fundraising—chocolate sales!
Thanks again,
Tom Eccleston, Chairperson
2483 PPCLI RC(Army)CC – Sponsoring Committee